Monday, August 2, 2010

Our House

Our house has been a little crazy this past weekend. We had a very sick cat and that kindof wrecked our weekend. We had planned to go to WEM and Jurassic Forest but instead had to make two trips into the Emergency Vet Clinic. Now I have to do drainage tubes (keeping them clean) and antibiotics. Socks though is feeling much better and is back to becoming more of his self. He is also enjoying eating tuna, which apparently is much tastier then Whiskas.
I am also trying to decide if I should join Jenny Craig to lose weight. I am very frustrated with how my weight loss is going and trying to stay on track. I probably won't join, I'll just keep trying to exercise and continue trying to cut out the fast food and snacky things.
I have started reading Proverbs as Dave Ramsey said that it will make you smarter financially. I want to be debt free (excluding our house) and we need to start investing as we don't have a retirement fund yet. The kids will need University as well. Come join me on my journey as I start my next 40 years - hopefully I will make wiser decisions then on my previous 40.
Short term goals - Lose 30 or so pounds in the next 12 weeks. Don't buy any designer clothes or purses, and hopefully put in a Stampin Up order that is mostly other people buying. Make sure to stay on track of my course.
hugs and blessings!